What’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you? Before you go ahead and scoff at this initial chapter’s Title with your eyes, take a think about all the reasons you have chosen to stay put where you are. Now I am not singling out any one specific person nor am I generalizing the...


Intention. Time is infinite and there is no escape. You cannot rush it nor pull it back, it just is. If this is the case, why not make the most of it?   As a species, we share many of the same traits as our neighbours in the animal kingdom while our abilities for...
We are all the same until we are not.

We are all the same until we are not.

We are all the same until we are not. I believe we are all born the same way in the sense that we know nothing except what is instilled in us from childhood through to our teens and right into our twenties by our families, friends and life’s random...
Follow You.

Follow You.

Follow You. One of the biggest questions (accusations ?) I get as someone who lives this Nomadic lifestyle is ‘What are you running from?’   My response is normally along the lines of this opportunity (to live this) is a gift yadda yadda…pure...
Finding comfort in you.

Finding comfort in you.

Finding comfort in you. This lifestyle has a way of making you feel quite lonely. You travel from destination to destination, sometimes staying for a few days, other times staying for a few months and whilst the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals, the world...
In the eye of the storm do you begin to see.

In the eye of the storm do you begin to see.

In the eye of the storm do you begin to see. In a matter of moments, I lost my best friend and perceived life partner.   The journey to this point was not without fault and I occasionally catch myself looking back; analyzing to see what I could have done or said...