Meditation in movement for Chakras to align and stillness of the mind.

This is Yoga.

Private Alignment Instruction

The teaching of proper alignment to maximize the meditative and physical benefits of the Yoga Asana and minimize the chance of injury through precision instruction. For more information or to book a session, click here to make your inquiry.


*Private instruction of a maximum 2 participants per session carries a special rate.

Suryanamaskar ‘A’ PDF

A complete breakdown for the first of two qualifying sequences in the Ashtanga practice of Yoga Asana. Including alignment instruction, modifications, and pranayama.

Asanas courtesy of DYS’ Devvrat.

Suryanamaskar ‘B’ PDF

A complete breakdown for the second of two qualifying sequences in the Ashtanga practice of Yoga Asana. Including alignment instruction, modifications, and pranayama.

Asanas courtesy of DYS’ Devvrat.

60 Minute Yin Practice PDF

A 15-posture Yin Practice with a suggested 2.5-minute hold per Asana with 1-minute to change/adjust. After the final Child’s Pose (14), you are welcome to go into Savasana or whatever closing/restorative pose you choose for as long as you need. Props are encouraged.


*When getting up, roll over to your right in the Fetal position and when you are ready, use your left hand to help push yourself up, slowly & mindfully with your neck rolling up last.

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