Everybody wants to be somebody but nobody wants to be themselves.

I am in the process of completing 45 short chapters for my first offering aptly titled “What You Don’t Want to Hear” as I navigate the waters of my life experiences and how they may relate to you.

What’s stopping you?

What’s stopping you?

Before you go ahead and scoff at this initial chapter's Title with your eyes, take a think about all the reasons you have chosen to stay put where...



Time is infinite and there is no escape. You cannot rush it nor pull it back, it just is. If this is the case, why not make the most of it?  ...

Follow You.

Follow You.

One of the biggest questions (accusations ?) I get as someone who lives this Nomadic lifestyle is 'What are you running from?'   My response is...

Finding comfort in you.

Finding comfort in you.

This lifestyle has a way of making you feel quite lonely. You travel from destination to destination, sometimes staying for a few days, other times...

The illusion of your past.

The illusion of your past.

The past is a heavy burden to carry with you as many people including myself (an admitted work in progress) have not refined the art of letting go,...

Truly being.

Truly being.

Sitting in Napoli Capodichino Airport, people watching, however, not simply watching as I am radiating... ...from the Solar Chakra. I am radiating...



Desire is a word often mistaken for the weaving of a dream and while there is no problem with having that desire in a conscious manner, there is a...



The idea to give love is an illusion. You are love, it is apart of you and as it is, you will find the universe may bring you like-level people and...

How busy you think you are.

How busy you think you are.

Have you ever coloured outside the lines on anything in your life? Have you always wanted to, however, given the general constraints of the first...

Let it go.

Let it go.

Three words. Three very easy words, that easily roll off the tongue, however, not only are they that easy in the audible sense, they are the sole...



You woke up this morning. Congratulations, you've achieved the greatest accomplishment in life...and that's life. Now what are you going to do with...



Even wonder when you feel a cold coming on, you get a cold? Then you complain about said cold, although, if you think about it; it was you who...



6 years ago around this time, my ex-wife & I were experiencing the tailspin of a marriage headed down the tubes. Correction, I was experiencing...

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